Sometimes you will have to go to the Finance Department to get approval for a purchase for the company. 有的时候你为公司采购必须先到财务部获得批准。
The central bank also increased allotments of dollars to the Russian banking system, to finance the purchase of rubles as part of the effort to stabilize the currency. 央行还增加了俄罗斯银行系统的美元拨款,以提供购买卢布的资金,作为稳定货币努力的一部分。
MortgageA loan to finance the purchase of real estate, usually with specified payment periods and interest rates. 用于提供房地产买卖融资的贷款,通常有确定的还贷期间和利率。
One person close toevents, however, believes they could end up taking a stake in anyconsortium formed by Mr Leung to finance the purchase of his stake. 然而,某知情人士认为,无论梁伯韬为了筹资购股将组建怎样的企业财团,它们可能最终还是会参股。
During the global downturn Chinese banks stepped up their involvement in aviation finance, funding foreign airlines to purchase jets. 在全球经济低迷期间,中国各银行加强了它们对航空业融资的参与,资助外国航空公司购买飞机。
Bridging Finance: Short-term finance that covers the gap between the purchase of a new property and the sale of an old property. 过度性贷款:短期贷款的一种,用于弥补购买新房和出售旧房之间时间差所缺少的现金空缺。
Some factors are universal: the credit crunch hit consumer confidence and affected the availability of finance for house purchase everywhere. 有些因素是普遍性的:信用紧缩重挫了消费者信心,并影响了房贷的获取。
Less than two months later, roughly the same sum was converted back into francs to help finance the Klosters purchase. 不到两个月后,卡西娅又将几乎相同数目的美元兑换成瑞士法郎,用来帮助支付克罗斯特斯公寓的购房款。
While the standard budget does not include the cost of a personal computer required for the MBA Program, you may finance your computer purchase with a loan. 下面的预算不包含你在课堂上要用的个人电脑费,你可能要自己掏钱买。
Only then can Germany ensure its customers can finance the purchase of its goods. 因为只有存在资金转移联盟,德国才能保证其顾客有钱购买德国商品。
Last week, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which was supposed to provide finance for investors to purchase bubble-era bank loans, postponed plans for a pilot sale, saying it was less urgent than had been thought. 上周,原本应向投资者提供资金以购买银行泡沫时期贷款的联邦存款保险公司(federaldepositinsurancecorporation)宣布,推迟一次试点销售的计划,声称此举已不如当初想象的那么紧迫。
Simply put, investors wondered for how long Greek banks would be able to finance their assets which includes the purchase of Greek government bonds. 简而言之,投资者想知道的是,希腊银行还能够为它们的资产提供多久的资金支持,其中包括购买希腊国债。
Along comes the government and says it will finance 90 per cent of the investor's purchase and, moreover, do so as a non-recourse loan. 此时政府出面了,表示将为投资者购买问题资产提供90%的融资,而且将以无追索权贷款的方式提供这笔融资。
The relationship between Foreign Investors and Offshore Holding Companies transferred by Foreign Investors regarding finance, operation, purchase and sale, etc; 境外投资方与其所转让的境外控股公司在资金、经营、购销等方面的关系;
Invoice discounting, trade finance, hire purchase and leasing remain sources of funding for hundreds of thousands of companies. 发票贴现、贸易融资、分期付款采购和租赁仍是数十万家企业获取资金的主要途径。
Money sent via this underground system helps finance the purchase of essential goods for Burma's population, bypassing import restrictions intended to conserve foreign exchange for the junta's priority items, such as military hardware. 通过这种地下系统寄送的钱,绕过了进口限制,为缅甸人购买必需品提供了资金。进口限制的目的是储存外汇,购买军政府最想得到的物品,比如军火。
Ms Ng also said she was unaware that Morgan Stanley had won a verbal mandate to advise Citic Resources on the issuance of$ 1bn in bonds, which were used to finance the purchase of an oil field in Kazakhstan. Ng还表示,她不知道摩根士丹利已获得口头授权,为中信资源用于为购买哈萨克斯坦一处油田融资的10亿美元债券发行提供咨询服务。
The typical car buying process in Singapore involves taking out a bank loan to finance the purchase. 典型的解放油罐车购买过程中包括了一个在新加坡银行贷款融资购买。
The loan was to finance Petrobras investments as well as "the purchase of goods and services from Chinese companies", according to Petrobras. 巴西国家石油公司当时表示,这笔贷款将用于投资,以及“向中国企业购买商品和服务”。
When they finance the purchase of securities by investors on margin, they monitor daily the amount of collateral. 当它们为投资者的保证金证券交易融资时,它们会对保证金金额进行每日监控。
Study of Finance Allocation Model in the Book Purchase Process 图书采购流程中资金分配模型研究
In recent years, the cases of misuse of authority, corruption and bribery are increasing in the higher learning schools, especially in the departments of finance, capital construction, purchase and students enrollment. 近年来,滥用职权、贪污贿赂等职务犯罪案件在高校有所上升,尤其在财务、基建、采购、招生等部门是职务犯罪的高发区。
The government should encourage innovation of enterprises by industry policy, finance policy, tax policy, purchase policy, examine and approve policy. 产业政策、财政政策、税收政策、采购政策、审批政策都要鼓励企业技术创新。
This paper, basing on the implementation of Kingdee ERP commercial software, studies common problems of SME in varions spects such as finance, sales, production, purchase, stock, decision making and management control; 本论文就是以金蝶ERP商用软件实施为基础,研究了中小企业在财务、销售、生产、采购、库存、管理决策、管理控制等方面的共性问题;
Being one of the important modes in public finance expenditures, government purchase is commonly adopted internationally. 政府采购是国际上通行的公共财政支出的一种重要方式。
The paper point out advices that establishing system of finance guarantee about land reserve and purchase capital based on positive cycle of land capital and distributing system of land proceeds. 提出从土地收购储备资金良性循环体系和土地收益分配体系两方面构建土地收购储备资金财政保障体系。
The fourth chapter analyzes the customers 'characteristics who bought RMB finance products, including the purchase of different types of RMB finances products, and the purchase of different characteristics of the amount of financial products. 第四章是对作者收集的购买某商业银行人民币理财产品的客户特征的分析,分析内容包括购买不同类型人民币理财产品金额客户特征分析和购买不同金额的理财产品的客户特征分析。